Battlefield 2042 Beta Impressions

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#1  Edited By wardcleaver

Howdy, All.

I have been playing the BF 2042 beta since Wednesday (Oct 6th), and have some thoughts. By the way, I am playing on a Series X.

  • Graphics: While the clarity of objects is a noticeable step up from the BF5, which I played on a base PS4, it is full of graphical glitches. Surprise, surprise, right?
  • On foot controls: In general, I would say it feels good, if not similar to other BFs. Guns feel good, although not as good as 2019's Modern Warfare, which is a statement I never thought I would ever make.
  • Vehicle controls: Ground vehicles are generally fine, with most controls being intuitive. Air vehicle controls are perplexing. It seems that with each new BF game, they go back to square-one with how unintuitive air vehicle controls can get. Luckily in the full game, I think they will have a training area, similar to BF4, where you can test drive/fly the vehicles and modify control schemes until you find your Goldilocks.
  • Map: The one map available thus fur, Orbit, is kinda cool and seems large? Currently, the only mode available is Conquest.
  • Guns, Guns, Guns: They now let you carry any weapon class, regardless of soldier class. You can be a ghillied up sniper with a LMG, or a medic with a sniper rifle. Also, they do the Crysis thing of letting you change attachments on-the-fly. I like both of these additions.
  • Conquest: This is the only game mode currently available in the beta. It is similar to Conquest in other BFs, however some capture points are double. For example, they will have Delta1 and Delta2. These points are within close proximity on the map.
  • Player counts: On Series X, the player count for each side is 64, or 128 total. Dice has said it will fill out empty player slots with AI. So far, turning off cross-play, I have only had a few matches were I came across AI teammates/enemies. As an aside, when I played with cross-play on, I was put into games with mostly PC players.

For those that have played it, what are your thoughts?

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I played the first day of early beta (also on a series x), and it has its moments. I was a pretty diehard battlefield fan from BF3-BF1, but kind of lost interest towards the end of battlefield 1.

Pros: The dynamic weather/tornado is really immersive, and there's nothing like running through a battlefield map during a huge storm.

Cons: The graphics look basic to me, the movement is very reminiscent of 2011 games. The grapple hook is disappointing coming from Titanfall/Apex.

I also just don't like Conquest, and the tornado is cool but I don't really understand the appeal of getting stuck in one. (Does the wing suit work yet? lol if so I don't know how to use it).

My initial reaction is a bit negative, but I'm open minded and I can see myself playing in a year or so.

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I can't shake the feeling like if this game had a little more development time, it would cross the line of something I would be looking forward to. In its current state, the janky-ness is too intrusive to be considered fun and there is something about the gunplay that isn't quite clicking for me / something feels off. I am a huge fan of the BF series (particularly 4) but this one has me a little bit worried. Let's see if they can get it there!

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It's important to note that the beta that is active now is an old build of the game, the final should be significantly improved. As an example, on PC certain keys/buttons can't be mapped. I've played all the Battlefields (except 5 and 1, which i only dabbled in) and they all had this basic functionality, so I can't help but think it will be better in a month.

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The fonts are all over the place. Some of them are huge. Massive banners covering a lot of the top of the screen during play. Spent a long time trying to fix the ui settings and fov. Gave up after a while and I'm just gonna wait for the full release.

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Besides the obvious jankiness and glitches, I just don't like the idea behind this iteration of it.

I don't think that simpler mechanics = good game design.

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I'm not your typical Battlefield player, but I decided to try the beta since it was available. I really appreciate the ability to swap scopes and accessories on the fly, but overall it's not showing enough of anything to make me think I need to play the full release. I still think the custom matches they advertised sound like the coolest stuff in the game, so we'll see how people react once it all comes out.

Also, maybe this is only in the beta, but is there nowhere to look at loadouts outside of a match? Is that a usual BF thing?

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@noboners: I assume its just a beta thing. Bf games generally have a "soldier" screen or whatever with loud outs etc, and a lot of granular options when it comes to each specific vehicle and weapon etc

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#9  Edited By stealydan

Battlefield has been the only multiplayer shooter I've enjoyed for a very long time now, probably since Modern Warfare 2 back in the day. The reason it beats everything else for me is that you can get in a match with random people and actually do some teamplay. This doesn't happen every time of course, but the squad mechanics encourage people to work together even when no one knows each other.

The removal of squad leaders and individual class roles makes that pretty much impossible. Now the game just feels like Call of Duty or any other hero shooter, except on giant maps (and with worse movement and gunplay). I agree with the sentiment out there that it seems this change was made in order to be able to sell skins for your favorite operators. It also seems like a balancing nightmare - there will be a couple 'meta' operators and everyone on the map will look identical.

I also miss running around being the hero medic reviving constantly and throwing smoke to cover my target - now anyone can revive (using that slow-ass animation) and the health regen is so fast that healing is pointless. What was once my favorite playstyle is now just boring and frustrating.

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@stealydan: it also doesn't help that the majority of players I've been matched with were instantly holding down the button to respawn. I tried to play medic (since that's how I played when I tried BF1) and I just felt completely useless. Could be on me, but it just never felt needed in the fights.

Why even have squads if there is no squad leader or thing to get people to group up?

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#11  Edited By Hayt

Boy I have a lot of feelings on this one. I've been playing BF since 1942 but put in most of my serious online time since Bad Company 2. I thought BFV was a great game that they killed just as they started getting it right. At the time the silver lining was that their team was moving to BF2042 to make it even better.

Having played around 10 hours of the beta I have to say, that almost all of the issues I immediately thought of the second they revealed the game are present in the beta, plus some new ones.

Before I say anything else can we just move on from the phrase "It's just a beta" or "it's an old build"? Whatever DICE says the betas and alphas are always 90% accurate to the game that ends up coming out. To think anything else is the case is delusional.

Firstly the stuff that seems good: The graphics are nice. Not a huge jump over BFV but considering they doubled the player count it's good they don't seem to have had to make any concessions. The "plus" system that lets you change attachments is neat and helps negate the issue you might have going from long fights between points to tight fights inside points. Shooting people still feels fun and there are a lot of fun ways gadgets can interact (C4 on drones, grappling onto the roof of a tank, etc). Overall my intial impressions are that I've had a good bit of fun.

The issue is with... almost everything else.

I don't want to be uncharitable but I would be lying if I said this isn't the worst UI I've ever seen in a Battlefield game. Buttons that open menus arent the same buttons you use to close menus. Things that are clickable look greyed out. The scoreboard replacement is enormous yet provides almost no information. You cannot see the ping of anyone but yourself. Half of the UI is broken but that's less of a worry than the fact that the design of a lot of it is fundamentally bad.

The movement system has removed a lot of features that made BFV feel great. No more crouch run, no more rolling after a fall. Instead it has just lifted the super sprint from MW2019. I'd be fine with adding that but it seems like they removed a lot of good things as well. This is a theme across the entire beta. It is missing loads of no-brainer, objectively good features from the previous games. No grenade indicators, vehicle spawn menu requires a click through to see if there is anything available.

The biggest issue however and one that there is almost no chance of them backing down on is the way Specialists absolutely destroy the class based teamplay that made the game different from CoD.

I'm going to give DICE a freebie and only briefly bring up the naked capitalism that is almost certainly the driving factor for them to chase the 'hero shooter' model.

Instead I'd just like to say that as it stands, without a huge rework, the Specialist system makes team work almost impossible. The only thing fixed to a specialist is 1 gadget and a passive perk. Everything else from what gun they could be using, to which gadget, to which grenade is all invisible to everyone but the person playing them. This means I have no idea which team-mate might be using a rocket launcher, and need ammo or who might be using a repair tool and keep them near my tank. The free for all grab bag means that you cannot rely on any of your teammates. This is awful.

The way gadgets are selected also strongly disincentivises team work. Since each Specialist comes with a unique gadget locked in it means you only get one other than you actually have any choice about. It means that you cannot pick, for example, a rocket launcher and a repair tool to play the classic Engineer role. You have to chose between something that directly helps you frequently (a rocket launcher, armour packs that give you extra hp, C4 etc) or something that much more situational that helps others (ammo boxes, health crates, repair tools). As a result in my 10 hours of the beta I found that almost no one was using anything other than offensive gadgets or armour packs. I do recognise that teamplay is always at an all time low during an open beta but I don't see this getting much better for the following reason: "meta".

Like it or not games like these are strongly influenced by Streamers. High level play of getting many kills is always more popular that support roles so they tend play very aggressively using solo builds. Because of how unrestricted tools are DICE is going to have to spend the entire life cycle of this game trying to prevent a meta where 1 or 2 combinations of Specialist/Gun/Gadget are dominant, usually lead by whatever is discovered and replicated by the high skill streamer community. Even without Streamers if one combo is clearly dominant it will spread on it's own. If you think these OP Meta Builds are going to be teamplay oriented I have a bridge to sell you. Already in the beta you see way more of Mackay (the Alex Navarro/Jake Gyllenhaal guy with a zipline) than any of the other class because his gadget is immediately useful across a lot of situations and benefits the player directly, rather than his team.

Then there's the whole issue of how they make team recognition impossible. A problem DICE could solve by limiting skins by US/RUS but its a problem DICE has needlessly created for themselves.

There is more I could go into, the but the Specialists are going to be a huge issue to overcome if this game is going to retain any sort of identity. My concern is that obviously DICE knows all this. They have hundreds of people who actually know game design, so they must know this, but they seem to be doing it anyway, so they must not care.

It's not unsalvageable. If they restrict gadgets across class lines or provide a second 'free pick' gadget instead of the unique specialist one there is a chance teamplay will survive but as it stands I'm simply not convinced its a goal they have.

Reading what I wrote you'd think I hated my time in the beta but the sad part is I've had fun, but it's just on the cusp of being truly great. I play often with friends on VOIP and with that we are able to replicate some of the class synergy from the previous games but it has been harder than it ought be. There's way more I could say but the criticism is all out there. The BF2042 reddit has a lot of hyperbole but it also has a lot of really accurate observations of all the ways DICE seems to have thrown the baby out with the bath water.

I hope they pull off something really incredible by release but at this point I'm honestly almost wishing for another delay.

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@noboners: Yeah, I feel the same way unfortunately. This new iteration might be fun if I had people to play with, but the solo experience has been miserable, whereas before it was precisely the fact that I could squad up with randos and still have a good time that made the game compelling.

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#13  Edited By ThePanzini

The beta was quite rough and given past experiences 2042 isn't going to have a great launch as long as its not BF4 bad, I can live with it.

In its current state the specialists are deeply flawed we've had issues in past Battlefields where you didn't know weather a support guy had ammo or c4, being able to only pick one but any one gadget makes the situation 10x worse.

I think you should have another gadget slot and must pick one from your class role, I'm not sure why you can't have an icon above an teammates health bar indicating what gadet a player is carrying.

Having an IFF signal on teammates will help with visibility but not having any visual flare for either side is pretty dumb.

Once again the UI is atrocious its garish to look at and painful on the eyes it isn't readable in any way, not quite knowing what your turning on/off in the options menu is so bad you can only laugh.

I'm not sure if anyone at Dice has ever seen a controller the layout, its nuts moving grenade to up on the d-pad so you can use L1 for the plus system which is downrite a crime. It could have easily been long press triangle/y like in Destiny for heavy.

And it takes way too long trying self heal with Falck especially in the middle of firefight, which can easily be fixed by making the long press to equip or better still make the medic gun a more permanent AOE effect with health replenishing so fast its kinda pointless anyway.

I also don't know why the turrent is not a short distance throwable cause its a pain just to place sometimes.

I'd bet good money 2042 will launch alright but a bit hot then in the spring it will have a massive over hall.

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#14  Edited By Panfoot

Haven't played a BF game since 3(and even that one I barely played, BC2 is the one I last played a ton of) but this still felt really familiar after an hour or two. I really dislike the specialist thing, it's just really weird and confusing to just see the same 4 "characters" all over on different sides, and I found myself always just going for the grappling hook guy given the huge size of the map and how useful the grappling hook is for getting on top of buildings and such. The Tornado was really neat when it happened, but in playing for 5 and a half hours I only saw it happen 1 time.

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@noboners said:

@stealydan: it also doesn't help that the majority of players I've been matched with were instantly holding down the button to respawn. I tried to play medic (since that's how I played when I tried BF1) and I just felt completely useless. Could be on me, but it just never felt needed in the fights.

Why even have squads if there is no squad leader or thing to get people to group up?

As the beta went on, people seemed to be a little better about waiting for a medic, at least in the matches I played.

Speaking of the medic, I found the stim/heal gun to be only useful for healing myself. It was hard for me to tell when teammates were wounded and needed aid, especially since Dice took out the command menu.

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I agree with most of what you said, including the guarded optimism that 2042 will launch in a better state than the beta.

I actually don't have too much of a problem with grenades being a selectable item, given the additions of the on-the-fly weapon mod and being able to call in support vehicles anywhere on the map. Although, I am not opposed to your suggestion, either.

That menu UI is terrible. 100% agree.

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Everything I've read of this just makes me think I should wait for Halo infinite multiplayer :-/

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@wardcleaver: Yeah, the lack of context clues is a bit baffling. That text scroll is worthless - yeah, “so and so needs a revive” but how can you reasonably compare that to gamertags around you and see if somebody is close? Bleh.

Part of being the medic should be an ability called “triage” or something. Visual cues should appear to let you know who is wounded and where. Color bar changes with maybe something else for the color-blind folks. Have the “downed” markers give more info more readily about how close they are. Otherwise, with the “everybody shoots and carries everything” no-classes, the medic feels pretty meh. Higher health on revive and a mediocre healing tool aren’t much of a class.

Also - it doesn’t give a button prompt for a lot of things including revives, and watching folks just stand over you switching weapons, etc. while they face you and try to reposition to get the (absent) prompt to come up is a mix between hilarious and just sad.

I hope this build was months old because while I did really enjoy the gameplay the game itself was…uh….not working real well. I will still play it because I’m a sucker for Battlefield but I really do hope the release is more polished.

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I'll just leave this here :

Unfortunately all of my issues can't be fixed witch patches or a severe delay(which they've pretty much committed to not doing).

I'm short, this isn't my Battlefield....

I was one of the few who LOVED V. In my opinion that game played the best Battlefield has in years. From the shooting, the movement, the progression, the maps. All of it was great.

They took almost everything from that game out and replaced it with Apex/CoD mechanics.

They've turned Battlefield into yet another sweaty competitive shooter disguised as a casual one. One of the common complaints I've seen that I echo is it is no longer a game that can be played by people who aren't amazing at shooters.

Before you could always help the team out and never get a kill. Healing, supplies, fortifications, calling in drops, manning emplacements, spotting, all kinds of stuff.

Now everyone runs around a mile a minute, moving like Pathfinder from Apex and everyone is just flicking shots on each other like it's Counter Strike.

And you can forget sniping unless everyone is standing perfectly still. They changed movement without changing shooting, that doesn't work.

I didn't actually have ANY bugs or glitches, it ran like I'd imagine it would on a well planned release, but again, unless they do a hard turn, despite the build being months old I don't think anything I didn't like will change.

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I have not played the beta but a lot of what I've heard has killed any interest I had in this game. I haven't played a Battlefield since 4, and was looking to return to the series, but it isn't going to be with this one.

The problems with largely abolishing the classes have been well covered, but I also really don't like that you can switch attachments on the fly. Part of what I enjoyed about Battlefield was having to figure out how to make the most of the tools you had at your disposal at any given moment. "Okay, I shouldn't go charging into this building for a close range firefight because I've got the ACOG and a heavy barrel on this gun. Let's play it smart and try to flush them out with a grenade or something". If you've got all the tools at your disposal, you're either forever in a menu, fiddling with it all the time, or you just stick with one setup, knowing you're going do be at a disadvantage.

I have no interest in the games it's taking its cues from, and I have no interest in buying skins, or characters, or whatever other nonsense is going to be in it.

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@reap3r160: We have plenty to rightly complain about but that reddit post is nonsense, most of that stuff was never coming back which has been true between each Battlefield title.

Levolution & Behemoths were both big ticket items lost along the way, Dice has always done this.

Healing, resupplying and spotting will net you points in 2042 it just wasn't in the beta for some reason.

The animation priority in BFV was also pretty much hated its no surprise most if its gone, why do you need to roll when your health regenerates. The crouch sliding is also going to be nerfed.

The thought that they turned 2042 into some competitive shooter considering you love for BFV is pretty funny.

BFV is the most unforgiving Battlefield game for newcomers in the franchise. The guns are deadly accurate with little to no recoil or spread, and to make matters worse players have very limited health and ammo comapred to all prevoius titles.

BFV has the shortest TTK we've ever had cupled with the poor visibility the churm rate with new players was horrendous, its why not once but twice Dice tried to nuke the TTK.

BFV literally was the game they tired to push as a competitive shooter, having less accurate guns with more spread, recoil, health regen and longer TTK is 2042 swing back to a more casual shooter.

Again theirs plenty wrong with 2042, but being the polar opposite of V a deeply unpopular game is not one of them.

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I've played the beta, and it was nothing special. It looked and played like a Battlefield game. The graphics for the most part were nice on the PS5. However, there were some graphical hitches including bright flashing that wouldn't be good for someone who suffers from seizures. The respawn times were really good. And the framerate was at a smooth 60FPS without any drops during my sessions. If you like Battlefield, then 2042 looks like a promising entry, but again, its nothing mind blowing or revolutionary in the franchise, at least judging by the open beta.

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@thepanzini: agree to disagree I guess

Keep in mind this is coming from someone who had ZERO idea why V was so hated and had a handful of friends who don't even play shooters much get into V as their first.

In my mind, a low ttk and less recoil is what makes it friendly. Just point and shoot. Which means you will kill people who have been playing for years even just SOME of the time.

2042 on the other hands, like Apex, with a high ttk and reocil management if someone has mastered recoil control and you haven't, you ARE going to lose that fight.

I should also say I don't necessarily have a right to complain for MYSELF, because I was a dummy who put faith in Dice and pre ordered the gold edition on sale.

So I kind of HAVE to play it now haha. So I will definitely giving it a chance and seeing how it evolves. I just don't think a lot of my old crew is coming with me, even long time Battlefield players.

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I agree that they did get it right with BFV.

However, it did take several updates, some of which took 2 steps forward and one step back, before they got it to its current state. I guess that makes me cautiously optimistic that BF2042 will eventually get there, or close.

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One of the common complaints I've seen that I echo is it is no longer a game that can be played by people who aren't amazing at shooters.

Before you could always help the team out and never get a kill. Healing, supplies, fortifications, calling in drops, manning emplacements, spotting, all kinds of stuff.

Yep. This was pretty clear to see even in the earliest days with the success of QWTF over traditional Quake TDM. Support roles allow for players to feel productive and receive positive reinforcement from their teammates even if they're not amazing at aiming. 2042 feels like it's chosen a F2P/Fortnite as its target model, and that kind of solo oriented gameplay strikes me as the wrong fit for BF.

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#26  Edited By ThePanzini
@reap3r160 said:

@thepanzini: agree to disagree I guess

Keep in mind this is coming from someone who had ZERO idea why V was so hated and had a handful of friends who don't even play shooters much get into V as their first.

In my mind, a low ttk and less recoil is what makes it friendly. Just point and shoot. Which means you will kill people who have been playing for years even just SOME of the time.

2042 on the other hands, like Apex, with a high ttk and reocil management if someone has mastered recoil control and you haven't, you ARE going to lose that fight.

I should also say I don't necessarily have a right to complain for MYSELF, because I was a dummy who put faith in Dice and pre ordered the gold edition on sale.

So I kind of HAVE to play it now haha. So I will definitely giving it a chance and seeing how it evolves. I just don't think a lot of my old crew is coming with me, even long time Battlefield players.

Having the guns easier to shoot and get kills is only one part of the equation, Battlefield has a lot more moving parts.

Battlefield games often take place across massive environments just getting from point A to B for a new or even less skilled player is a daunting task, learning where and more importantly where not to go is vital skill in any Battlefield game probably more so than shooting, ditto for spawning.

BFV having the low TTK punishes mistakes severely and with deadly accurate guns the engagements often take place much further away than past titles. Its why anyone who knows what their doing uses the 3x scope that's the meta in V.

Dying without being able to react and from an opponent you never saw is a horrid experience. Where as in the past with the longer TTK the player might still die but at least they'll figure out who killed them and from where.

And to make matters worse because of V art style soilders would often blend right into the enviroments.

Dying should always be viewed as a learning experience as much as possible its often frustrating not knowing or when its feels unfair, V falls into this quite a lot.

Since release V has gone throught numerous patches and most of the attrition system has been eroded away players start with a lot more ammo and their a far more supply stations dotted around.

The meta with V at lunch was awful Dice sucked all the fun out of the game, players only spawn with one clip you literally spent all you time thinking about ammo and with the low TTK map movment was none existent it got to the point where players were camping supply stations, fortifications certainly didn't help either.

BFV also has many other faults like the LMG prone meta which is a always a cheap death and hated, vehicle/weapon upgrades are no longer side grades being direct improvments rewarding more experience players with better tools.

Planes for instance take an absolute age to level up especially when your learning and if you pick the wrong tree, tough luck you'll have to grind away till the end to reset.

With 2042 the guns are going back to their papers, scissors & stone mantra each will have a defined role the lower rate of fire smg pbx had little to no recoil in the beta, which will be true for assualt rifle and lmgs and thats without all the attachments available.

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I came here to see what Battlefield 2042 was like, Sony gave us Battlefield V for free so I figured that must eman sist old sand a new one was nearly ready. That seems to be teh case.

I came to BF a tiny little late...well late in that my first on was Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. Over the years I played Bad Company, Company 2, and BF 1943 Online. Played a bit of BF 3 on PS3, but I switched to CoD at the point.

If this new BF kept the classes/jobs I would likely go back to a new Battlefield just for a lark...meh $70. But , if itis a hybrid of CoD and BF...well I'd rather just play straight CoD. Nobody likes the old game mechanics that were just simple - maybe I'm just too old.

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