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Main information not complete 100%, but still I don't have agenta! like youtuber or Google or any 🩳 videos :)

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Warcraft Series I've Finished

Now you understand why there is no reasonable new game, the designer must be educated, to imagine story and build, not just copy and past,or this just a thief! and last; wherever they try to hide it it's just make thing worse and hear me Dorobō,xDD

1999~2020 Warcraft: Orcs and Humans Complete Campaign 2x

2000~2020 Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness Complete Campaign 2x

2000~2020 Warcraft II Beyond the Dark Portal Complete Campaign 2x

Demo CD 2005 Adventures: Lord of the Clans Cancelled

2002~2017 Warcraft III Reign of Chaos Complete Campaign can't count it

2003~2017 Warcraft III Frozen Throne Complete Campaign can't count it

2004~2017 Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne - Patch 1.13 Complete Campaign Orc ACT II and III can't count it

2024 Warcraft III: Reforged, Complete Campaign, 2x..just reviwing my game with (Whosyourdaddy;)& (iseedeadpeople;)&(greedisgood;)

I create a map 2001~2004" from the editor of Warcraft 3. the Plan was to make strategy game with the same looking unites, but with my imaging story, or remaster Warcraft 1.

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