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    The axe is a tool used for many activities. Its uses include cutting wood, knocking down doors in emergencies, and rending your enemies limb from limb without mercy or regret.

    Short summary describing this thing.

    Axe last edited by Sirkinsella98 on 02/20/24 01:50PM View full history


    The axe is comprised of two primary components, the head, and the handle. With the head consisting of one or two blades and the handle often just being a straight pole. The design of the blades are often determined by their supposed usage. The sizes of the blades and handles can vary greatly.


    From ancient to modern times the axe has been used as a tool for chopping or splitting up anything from wood and stone to meat and vegetables. In historic times the axe was also used as a weapon and as a ceremonial or heraldic symbol.

    Types of axes

    • Felling axe: Used to cuts across the grain of wood.
    • Splitting Axe: Used to split with the grain of the wood.
    • Fire axe: Designed for breaking down doors during during fires.
    • Battle axe: Axe made for mêlée combat. More effective against armor than a sword, but less precise.
    • Throwing axe: A small axe made to be easily thrown by one hand.

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