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Patch Notes v0.03

Video Games Played

  • Dead to Rights: Retribution;  not long after Patch Notes v0.02 was posted I finished this up and put it to rest. As I mentioned before my main criticism with the game stems from the clumsy feel to the combat and controls as well as a few technical issues. However I found the game's visual design to be very appealing. There's a gritty, grimy feel to everything that fits in extremely well with the narrative and tone the game aims for.
  • Medal of Honor: Airborne; also mentioned in the previous Patch Notes and also finished shortly after posting it. I didn't really know what to expect going in but upon finishing it I felt a feeling of satisfaction. The game had glaring flaws with its somewhat archaic design but it was still an enjoyable play none the less that left me, surprisingly, pining for a new WW2 shooter to come on the market.
  • Call of Duty Classic; continuing the WW2 theme I bought this from the PSN store in a spur of the moment situation and very glad I did so. It may be old but it's still a great piece of nostalgic gaming. What struck me the most was how well, from a gameplay perspective, it stood up still to this day compared to the so called 'modern standards' set by today's mainstream shooters.
  • Shank; after playing the demo and watching all the coverage by Giant Bomb I manned up and bought it. Only to find a few hours later I wish I didn't. It's a great little game with a nice art style and visual design but not only is it fairly short it's also extremely repetitive as well. I've not actually finished it yet but I've gotten to the point I can't bring myself to make a solid effort too either. It shall stay in limbo until I get the fancy for some "uh, uh, uh, uh, uh" action on the go.
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine; the film was fairly poor and the game loosely follows that same story, the character of 'sniktbub' himself is somewhat one dimensional as well. So it was a pleasant surprise to find a bit of depth to the gameplay, particularly the somewhat visceral combat on offer as there is plenty of enemy variation which combined with the option to upgrade both newly learnt and existing abilities kept the combat feeling fresh to some degree.
  • BioShock 2; my general feeling about the game is that it didn't need to be made. While the return to Rapture was welcome it felt somewhat contrived. That being said the game itself is pretty good and I did enjoy the single player. The narrative may not have been as good as the first game's but it's a lot better than what many current game's have to offer. Gameplay wasn't bad either and it was obvious there were attempts made to fix complains from the first game. However I didn't once feel like I was playing or experiencing the game from the perspective of a Big Daddy which was disappointing. Thankfully the multiplayer helped rectify that, check out the Currently Playing section for further details!
  • Ghostbusters: The Video Game; I'm an unabashed Ghostbusters fan so from the moment I heard the familiar sound as the Proton Pack powered up to the moment I got to wrangle and trap my first ghost I was entirely sold on the game. It's complete fan service from start to finish and while the humour sometimes felt a little flat it did a great job at presenting the ideal Ghostbusters experience for fans of the series.
  • Condemned 2: Bloodshot; I played about an hour or two of the game. Turned it off and sent it back to my rental service. I was kind of sceptical about renting it to begin with but after a few hours of play I confirmed the game just isn't my cup of tea at all. Not sure whether it was the clumsy feel of the controls or the lack of any real direction or motivation in terms of character and story but I didn't really enjoy my brief time with it.

Currently Playing

BioShock 2 Multiplayer; I may have finished up the single player campaign but I'm far from done with the multiplayer. It's persistence and subsequent addictiveness that comes with levelling, unlocking and equipping new plasmids, weapon upgrades, tonics and cosmetic items is what keeps me glued. Not to mention the fact it portrays, in my opinion, a much truer and better experience of what being a Big Daddy feels like than the single player provided. If you're lucky enough to pick up the suit during an online match you instantly find your field of vision and speed limited by the helmet & suit you wear. You also find yourself being dogged by multiple splicers as you fend them off with the trusty rivet gun, sticky bombs and strong melee attacks at your disposal. All of this sort of feels like a much truer representation of what being a Big Daddy is truly all about.
If there is one major piece of praise that can be said about BioShock 2 it's got to be the multiplayer. In my opinion it's level of customisation for character loadouts and the importance of finding synergy between them is much more meaningful than other persistent online shooters such as MW2 or BFBC2 etc. Overall I'm highly impressed by the multiplayer, even when I was far more sceptical about it during the game's development, and it's most definitely a welcome surprise. 

Bit of a longer than anticipated Patch Notes update but as per usual feel free to comment and critique with constructive feedback!  
Love Hamz, XOXO