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Psychology and Philosophy from the Planes (Spoilers)

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I'm trying to play through Planescape Torment, which is kind of hard with so much good lines to read and ponder about.

So I'm going for a series of blogs where I'm going to discuss some tidbits of the script of Planescape Torment, and I would love to hear your replies and insights about the lines, and my interpretation of them.

Let's start...

Dak'kon said when you meet him at the bar:

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"In chaos we dwell with only our knowing to preserve us."

Isn't that the same with us? We live in a world apparently chaotic, that we comprehend and interact with based on the use we make of the information we receive. Like Bill Gates said:

"How you gather, manage and use information will determine whether you win or lose.”

Later on The Nameless One encounters a tattoist dabus named Fell in his shop in the Hive, and engage in a costumer-client conversation that falls upon the topic of The Nameless One's prior body work:

Fell: "The symbol that lies upon your left shoulder is the mark of torment."

Fell: "It is *torment.* It is that which draws all tormented souls to you." Fell nods at your left arm, at your shoulder. "The flesh knows it suffers even when the mind has forgotten. And so you wear the rune always."

This a bit more sinister, but in truth we grow close together because of our particularities, being that feeling dazzled by a beautiful smile, a good pair of tits, maybe our nurturing feeling towards someone that suffers, or even the feeling of a common understanding born from the past experiences of both. One such emotion over which a bond can be created is torment, the torment experienced by both and understood by both similarly.

The second part is interesting and curious, and you probably have felt it before, when you feel something for reasons you can't explain. Like when you got something you really wanted, and it made you happy, and maybe you even forgot it the following moment, but that feeling of wellbeing accompanied you during the rest of the day, or at least part of it.

Well, this is it for now.

I hope you enjoyed it, and you are free to agree with me, and if so, please expand on what I said, or tell me how wrong I am.
