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[GBCER XII] 24 HOURS of Project Zomboid for Charity!

It's Endurance Run Time!

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I'm sure you've already seen the big Community Endurance Run Post & announcements, but here's mine! As with every year, we're raising money for Pencils of Promise. PoP is a charity that raises money to help build and support educational programs in Guatemala, Ghana, and Laos. The best part is that 100% of online donations go directly to PoP programs!

Here are the links!

Last year I blew my $750 goal out of the water with a total of $1,171 raised, which is enough to support & train 20 teachers!

This year I want to do that again, so my goal is to raise $1000.

How will I do that?

By Donating $1 Per Death! (in Project Zomboid)

April 9th-10th @ 12pm CDT

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The plan this year is to do a brutal Sprinters Only marathon in Project Zomboid.

I've played a few hundred hours of PZ in my time, so I'm no slouch when it comes to surviving the apocalypse. However, all of that survival experience goes straight into the trash when you replace the normally sluggish shamblers of PZ with full-on 28 Days Later-style sprinters that run you into the ground.

Naturally, this means I will be dying a lot, and $1 per death could get me to a sizeable donation by the end of 24 hours.

AND, if I reach $500 raised before the end of the marathon, I will increase that donation to $2 per death

Sound too easy?

Think I won't die that often?

Well fret not, because you can make it much harder on me!

Donations go towards building my characters!

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That's right!

Want to make my next character a totally Deaf, Illiterate, and Short-Sighted Burger Flipper? JUST $8

Want to see me play a character created in my image, traits and all? $25 for 3 attempts!

Want to watch the world burn? See me suffer with an Unemployed character and ALL NEGATIVE TRAITS for 10 attempts! Just $50!

Am I surviving too long? $10 to disable sneaking for 2 characters!

It's going to be a fun time, and I'm really excited to just get obliterated by these zeds.

If you don't want to pick any incentive, that's fine too! My co-hosts will allocate those donations to their liking (and trust me they'll pick some rough ones)

Early donations will go towards the start of the marathon! So if you won't be able to catch the marathon and want to donate, please feel free to throw in what you feel comfortable with!

If you aren't in a comfortable place financially, no worries! Tell your friends about the cause, and stop on by any of the streams from the folks in the community! It's going to a hell of an Endurance Run this year!

See y'all in the Apocalypse!

For reference, here are some helpful graphics to help pick traits & occupations:

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