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Games of 2009 I wanted to play, but didn't

The New Years reminded me of one thing, I did not play alot of major games this year. Most of my time was spent on games from the past I never really got to such as Garry's mod, TF2, Fallout 3, Mount and Blade and Call of Duty 4. These are some of the games that im really upset I never got to play. Also, Modern Warfare 2 took up so much time that there wasn't much room at the end of the year for anything else. 
Missing all these games almost assures I will be playing 2009 games for most of 2010, leading to an endless cycle of being behind on playing all the great games.  Too bad, one day I will get ahead.

List items

  • This game really impressed me. The graphics and effects wowed me. I was amazed at how much detail was put into the battles , from the explosions going on in the background, to the sound of bullets whizzing by. It seemed like a very intense experience. Only problem..... i don't own a PS3, with a little effort I could have played it at one of my friend's houses but I never did.

  • I was scared off this game for two reasons, the inevitable time commitment and the possibility that it may be too good, and i would get pulled away from all the other games I would want to play. The last Bioware RPG I played was KOTOR, and that sucked me in for weeks. I will play this game, it seems like a fantastic RPG, I just wished I had put some time into it before 2010.

  • I love RTS games and Empire seemed to have it all. Yet I never put in the effort to grab it during the various steam sales this year. I heard it was buggy so prehaps that was what stopped me. It seemed to combine all the positives of a game like Civilization, with the depth of strategy found in all the other Total war games. I missed out on this one. At least my need for RTS was filled by Men of War.

  • I didn't play this game because...... well...... theres no real reason as to why I didn't. Sims 3 is just the kind of game that will be as fun 3 years from now as it is today, theres nothing in it that can really be outdated. So there wasn't any urgency to buy this. I'll get to it soon enough. As soon as i get the urge to delete all the ladders on a pool and watch my sims drown, i'll grab it.

  • 2009 is also the year when i began to think that a PS3 would be a good investment. Uncharted Two, Infamous, and Killzone were all fantastic PS3 exclusives I would have liked to check out. This game impressed me with it's vibrancy and solid mechanics, it looked like a ton of fun, although it didn't particularly wow me like some other games did.

  • I've always wanted to try out a racing sim like Gran Turismo, but they never made much sense to me. Forza would be the perfect game for breaking into this. However I have zero interest in paying for an Xbox 360 and all it's attachments. (If you add up the cost of an xbox and all the attachments, like live, a wireless adapter since I cant be stretching an ethernet cord all through my house, an extra controller, the game itself, and a hardrive, it gets crazy expensive.)

    I'll have to find someone I know with this game, although most people I hang around with arent big on racing games, so this might be the game i never really play.

  • Everyone says this game is great, and aside from a short demo, i didn't get to experience it. Batman is awesome and I love brawler type games like this (I thought the watchman game was actually alot of fun). But Batman also has alot of depth to it that most other games in this genre don't. I was irritated everytime people compared it to metroid though, the back and forth in those games drives me mad. I like more direct experiences, but Batman may be the game that will one day change that idea. Assuming I ever get to it.

  • I played the demo fo this and loved it, and its so cheap, why didn't i buy it ! Oh yea, Call of Duty. These two games hit very close two one another, I simply couldn't bring myself to purchase a game I wasn't going to play alot of. This game has me interested in Diablo 3, and since that game is never going to come out, i might need to grab torchlight to hold me over.

  • 10 million guns means this game must be awesome. I would love to try it out but that alone wasn't enough for me to buy it.

  • This isnt higher on my list because the only reason i missed it in 2009 was that it won't come on PC until sometime in early 2010. ( I should really get an HD console) But hey, the first one was pretty good aside from lots of looping sound clips and plenty of repetition. I also have ot be carefult o avoid any and all spoliers about it until it comes out.