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PersonZ's Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run XIII Shenanigans

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Hi Everyone,

PersonZ here again (AKA Jatzu on the discord) providing some info on what I will be doing for the Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run this year. Last year with support from people like you I was able to raise $ 1,779.00 for Pencils of Promise, additionally because of that I also donated $ 1,500.00 of my own money to the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto.

This year I am hoping to raise $ 2,000.00 and as a donation incentive I am upping my donation match this year once more. That means for every 1 dollar donated to my page for pencils of promise, I will match that donation to CAMH with my own money up to a total of $ 2000.00. So you not only get to donate to a good cause but you also get to force me to do the same! It’s win win really. Additionally you can force me to do push ups for every dollar donated up to a cumulative total of 1,000 because any more than that and I am pretty sure I would be unable to move for a week.

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As far as plans go, on Friday April 28th myself and my good friends Mike and …… other Mike will once again be playing a Trine game, Thankfully it’s Trine 4 this year so we likely wont be as miserable as we were last year when playing Trine 3. Once Trine is beaten myself and one of the Mike’s will pick up where we left off in It Takes Two. On Saturday I will be joining the much more entertaining group of community members That Penguino, Zombie Pie and Arbitrary Water in the 4x4 Job fiesta.

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Finally on Sunday, I will be playing either Half minute Hero or the Resident Evil 2 remake. What decides this you may ask? Well really it’s going to depend on how much energy I have left. But who ever heard of not sleeping and doing pushups all weekend making you tired?

So to summarize this year….

  • Friday April 28th Starting at 7 PM EST: Trine 4 and other Co-op games with people named Mike
  • Saturday April 29th Starting at 12 PM EST: The 4x4 Job fiesta over at
  • Sunday April 30th Starting at 1 AM EST: Half Min Hero / Resident Evil 2 Remake

So come on by and yell at me to do push up’s. You can watch my stream on either explosive runs or on my twitch channel

You can donate to my Stream here:

You can look up info on Pencils of Promise Here & CAMH here.