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The screenshot ballad of Heartbreakin' Hisao Nakai. Episode 4: Takin' it to Harlem.

Part the 一番目
Part the 一番目

← To Episode 3: Tears in the RainTo Episode 5: End of the Tropes→

And so we're back with the G-Man. How? Why? Who cares? Certainly not Hisao; he just wants to get this over with. In fact, he says as much to the Man's face. The G-Man's taken aback by Babyface's forwardness, but he takes it rather well. He only leaves Hisao with this before sending him on his way:

Prepare for unforeseen consequences.
Prepare for unforeseen consequences.

Anyway, Hanako's route. What road do we take to get to Harlem? Pretty much the same as Lilly's. In fact, almost exactly the same as Lilly's. They're literally a choice apart, which I'll detail when we get to it. In the meantime, a couple of fun facts:

  • This is the only route in the game where Miki gets a speaking role. A little strange when you realize what little influence she has on the story (and how much more relevant she'd have been in Emi's route), but whatever. You take what you get.
  • So far, Hanako's route is the first one with three endings, at least in the "good/neutral/bad" sense. If I play my cards right, we'll only see the first two. Of course, I'm going to play them wrong. That's right: I am going for her bad ending first. I warn you now so you know why I feel like such a piece of shit later on. Anyway, let's take it to Harlem.
It's like she knows.
It's like she knows.
Step one on the road to Harlem: book it to the library.
Step one on the road to Harlem: book it to the library.
"It's like there's more vomit each time I come back. How can she puke up so much of it and STILL be so drunk?"
How are you finding out about their night clubs just now?
How are you finding out about their night clubs just now?
"Makes me think of Emi."
.....How about we just skip right to the library?
.....How about we just skip right to the library?
But not without being an asshole to Hisao first!
But not without being an asshole to Hisao first!
Guess from who. And why.
Guess from who. And why.
Don't worry about Yuuko. She gets her revenge by putting them in spine-first.
Don't worry about Yuuko. She gets her revenge by putting them in spine-first.
Step two on the road to Harlem:
Step two on the road to Harlem:
Gawk at her scars and make her feel extremely uncomfortable......Goddamn it.
Gawk at her scars and make her feel extremely uncomfortable......Goddamn it.
Fine. Apologize to her. Just don't spend twelve pictures staring at her scars.
Fine. Apologize to her. Just don't spend twelve pictures staring at her scars.
Don't you fucking do it.
Don't you fucking do it.
*seething seething rage*
*seething seething rage*
It was love at first sight.
It was love at first sight.
And by
And by "love", I of course mean "stress-induced fear".
"You cut her off at the stairs, you cut her off at the elevator, and I'll go in for the kill."
Yea, she
Yea, she "got this fit". Nothing else could have possibly happened.
"A few" meaning "enough times to draw a lifelike portrait of just her scars".
"Oh, you mean like a rabbit?" "What?" "....Nothing."
"You might want to cut that shit out."
"Because I don't think Hanako's having much fun. Shizune clearly is, but that's to be expected."
Take the hint.
Take the hint.
Wrong hint, b-wait, didn't I already make this choice?
Wrong hint, b-wait, didn't I already make this choice?
"Sorry for turning The Life of Pi into The Strife and Cry."
Normally, I'd add
Normally, I'd add "by looking deep into their faces" or some such nonsense. Unfortunately, there's a good chance he'd actually do that.
Wait a minute, this IS the exact same scene. What the hell, game?
Wait a minute, this IS the exact same scene. What the hell, game?
"There's nothing to worry about. I'm sure you'll get along well with him." [Naw, girl. You'd better ice this fool right here.]
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
This kind of thing's easier when you don't talk to the victim.
This kind of thing's easier when you don't talk to the victim.
Just in time. She almost ended this thread in the first update.
Just in time. She almost ended this thread in the first update.
And let's add THAT one to the list...
And let's add THAT one to the list...
"I'm sure Shizune and Misha will keep y-"
"Aw, shit."
"I don't understand. I thought I dodged her this time."
[Told her to ice that fool.]
[Told her to ice that fool.]
"And that's when I notice Emi."
This time, he's added finger motions to the mix.
This time, he's added finger motions to the mix.

Maybe a weak way to end the first update, but whatever. It's funny in my head, alright?