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  • Ydross posted a message in the forum topic GB@Nite 5-Timer's Club. on the General Discussion board

    I heard Brad will officially announce hes leaving the site

  • Ydross posted a message on the post Content Warning.

    @blitzfitness: I feel like if they add more dumb stuff to do and film it could live a little longer but yeah it does not have the legs to be something people would play for a long time

  • Ydross posted a message on the post 109.

    Dan was being an asshole and took himself way too seriously.

  • Ydross posted a message on the post 001.

    I imagine the face paint is gonna be a pain to remove from his beard. He might have to shave now

  • Ydross posted a message on the post 93.

    I think the point of cork on a coaster is so it does not slip on the table. So it stays on the table without moving

  • Ydross posted a message on the post The PAX Panel with Jenna Stoeber.

    Remember when Jan had hair? :(

  • Ydross posted a message on the post HELLDIVERS HOEDOWN.

    @mekon:Dan sold his old house and cant move in his new one until August so he wont be on the site as much until then. That will affect series like Blight Club

  • Ydross posted a message on the post RoboMitch 06.

    I love the Mike/Jeff friendship. Its funny how they keep giving each other shit in a friendly way. They are a great duo

  • Ydross posted a message on the post Unprofessional Fridays 05/26/23.

    This episode had a real "Mom spending all her time at the slot machines while her kids are in the background watching fucked up videos" vibe to it :P

  • Ydross posted a message in the forum topic Waypoint shutting down amid layoffs at Vice. on the General Discussion board

    Damn i was really looking forward to Cado Final Fantasy Tactic playthrough at some point this year. The video game sites centered around personalities model is pretty much dead now. Only Giant Bomb i...

  • Ydross posted a message on the post We Played a Little Bit of Redfall!.

    Once they announced it was an "open world" with random missions all across the island I had a feeling it wouldnt be that interesting. Shame cause it could have been cool. They should go back to making...

  • Ydross posted a message on the post Play it Forward 02.

    @frankiebeanz said:I really don't understand this feature, why does it matter how the next person plays the game? what is the goal here and what are the obstacles?The point is every episode the perso...

  • Ydross posted a message on the post Atomic Heart.

    You know. Maybe Jan should train his dog to not bark for no reason. Its relatively easy to do and would make his life (and recording videos) a lot better

  • Ydross posted a message on the post Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe.

    Not sure if MAGA Lord is an appropriate name to use for a character

  • Ydross posted a message on the post Forspoken.

    Isekai stories are more common than people realizeEvil Dead 3TMNT 3 movieWizard of Ozetc

  • Ydross posted a message in the forum topic New video player rolling out today. on the Bug Reporting board

    Maybe im missing something but there does not seem to have the old "auto resume to where you were" if you reload the page :(

  • Ydross posted a message in the forum topic Jess and Jason have been laid off (Updated). on the General Discussion board

    @yyninja: The fact they fired 2 important production/editor tell us they dont give a rat ass about the site producing content. Yeah its very bad news for the site future.

  • Ydross posted a message in the forum topic Jess and Jason have been laid off (Updated). on the General Discussion board

    @soot: Sadly Giant Bomb is now fully corporate. The staff cant even speak against it because they could get fired too. This is the opposite of why the site was created in the first place. Jeff G liter...

  • Ydross posted a message in the forum topic Jess and Jason have been laid off (Updated). on the General Discussion board

    It shows how bad the loss was for the team for them to cancel making content 2 days in a row. They are clearly devastated too

  • Ydross posted a message in the forum topic Jess and Jason have been laid off (Updated). on the General Discussion board

    Why dont they just start a new site like Jeff G did when he created Giant Bomb? Time to restart the cycle and go independent again