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    Red Steel 2

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Mar 23, 2010

    The sequel to the critically panned Nintendo Wii launch title, grab your sword and gun and hunt down gang members in the futuristic wild west.

    Short summary describing this game.

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    Average score of 4 user reviews

    I think I'll Go Back to Wii Sports Resort to Swing a Sword 0

    LIke most people who may have tried this game, I played it for one reason:  I wanted to have one-to-one motion control while chopping enemies down with a sword.  While you would think Nintendo or another third party could have delivered this experience this far into the Wii's life cycle, I really think that Wii Sports Resort may be the closest anyone gets (with the possible exception of the Playstation Move).  I thought this game is as generic as one could have never hoped for.  Lifeless charact...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    A promising game, held back by some unfortunate flaws. 0

     I think it says something about it's predecessor that Red Steel 2 completely disassociates itself from the first Red Steel in every way except in title.  Having never played the first Red Steel, I won't comment on what is the same or different, but I will say that even though basically everyone seemed to be let down by the first, Red Steel 2 was a very enjoyable experience for me, and one of my favorite third party games on the Wii.You take the role of a western-style samurai who happens to be ...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Red Steel 2 Review 0 ......Often enough, venturing into new territory is dangerous business.  Like a soon to be ex-girlfriend experimenting with your testes, you often appreciate the effort but feel let down by the end result.  Fortunately enough, while Ubisoft’s Red Steel 2 has plenty of issues, both mechanical and otherwise, in the end it avoids any serious comparisons to your girlfriend’s sexual failings. If you are already set on getting a Wii motion plus at...

    0 out of 5 found this review helpful.

    Leaps And Bounds Over The Original 0

    Red Steel is a series that Ubisoft just can't seem to win on. The original Red Steel launched alongside the Wii to critical reception, due to the buggy nature that associates launch titles, yet the title sold over one million units. On the other hand, when Red Steel 2 launched earlier this year, the title sold around 270,000 copies worldwide, despite praising reviews over the original. In fact, the first thing you will notice about Red Steel 2 is that the game has absolutely nothing to do with...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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