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    Until Dawn

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Aug 25, 2015

    In this PlayStation 4 horror game, eight teenagers are being hunted while they stay at a mountain retreat.

    Short summary describing this game.

    Until Dawn last edited by reverendhunt on 05/30/24 08:39PM View full history


    A horror/slasher game akin to Heavy Rain's style of gameplay, Until Dawn sets itself apart with its ''Butterfly Effect'' technology, where every decision, both big and small, will alter the story...and the survivors.


    Until Dawn was originally announced at Gamescom 2012 for the Playstation 3 via a trailer and gameplay footage. The game was originally a first-person game that used the Playstation Move controller to control flashlights and guns. In this original version, players were able to switch between eight playable characters at will.

    The game was originally set to launch in 2013, but missed this window. At this point, the game had not been shown since its reveal. After rumors spread about the game's supposed cancellation, Supermassive Games confirmed it was still in development and would launch at a later date.

    Until Dawn was re-revealed at Gamescom 2014 as a third-person Playstation 4 game. This new version is an exploration-based game, similar to Heavy Rain, and utilizes the Killzone: Shadow Fall engine. The character switching mechanic was scrapped in favor of having characters become playable in different sections of the game. The Playstation Move support was replaced by the the Dualshock 4's motion sensor. Developers said the extra development time and the platform switch was used to make the game "darker and fundamentally more terrifying."

    On July 31st, 2015, Sony announced the game had been completed. It was released on August 25th of that year.


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    There are thirty totems scattered throughout Until Dawn. Each totem gives the player a glimpse of a possible outcome of their decisions. These totems come in five varieties; Death, Loss, Danger, Guidance, and Fortune. Death totems foretell possible player deaths, whereas Loss totems foretell the possible deaths of other characters. Danger totems warn of dangerous events that characters might experience. Guidance totems provide clues as to how to handle future scenarios. Fortune totems foretell possible positive outcomes for the characters. Most of these outcomes are avoidable, allowing players to react to these glimpses accordingly.

    Playable Characters

    • Beth Washington (Prologue)
    • Mike Munroe
    • Samantha Giddings
    • Emily Davis
    • Christopher Hartley
    • Ashley Brown
    • Josh Washington
    • Jessica Riley
    • Matthew Taylor


    The original music in Until Dawn was composed by Jason Graves. It was released digitally in the United States on October 26th, 2015.

    1. The Shadow of the Mountain (Main Theme)
    2. Welcome to the Annual Blackwood Winter Getaway
    3. What Could Possibly Go Wrong
    4. You Go, Girl
    5. Run or Hide
    6. Chris and Ashley
    7. Don't Leave Me Hanging
    8. Icicle Energy
    9. Don't Get Cold Feet
    10. Mike and Jessica
    11. Baby, It's Cold Outside
    12. The Intemperance of Youth
    13. Final Confrontation
    14. 'O Death' Theme*

    *Composed by Jeff Grace


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